Tourmaline was conceived as a way for me to get back to earth, to organic creation. I've known since I was a child that working with textiles and clothing was my path. I knew my brand would be an extension of my personal ethos surrounding sustainability and transparency. It wasn't until I discovered natural dyes for the first time that the vision of Tourmaline clicked.

My designs are guided by the idea of what would make the most beautiful canvas for these colors to flow together. Each garment is created with ease in mind and is meant to be worn at home, in ceremony and while traveling. Each garment is a statement against the commercialization of the clothes we wear everyday and a statement for ancient arts and mother earth.


"Goethe saw colors as the various expressions light took on as it entered the real world and met with circumstance... We extract color from plants and they die at the fabric. Isn't this the same at root as the way we ourselves are colored by the phenomena we encounter in the suffering we endure in thus world? Both could be called a journey of light.' - Fukumi Shimira